
Achieving Results from Change (ARC) is a consortium of expertise who assist  organizational leaders and their associates in learning new information and in developing additional skills to successfully achieve desired results for today’s challenges.  ARC believes gaining competencies is through ETC: Education (gain understanding of what it is), Training (learn how by doing), and Coaching (on the job training).  Competencies for today are listed below (more detail in the tabs):

  1. Meetings – that are more productive, take less times and cost less
  2. Cybersecurity Business Risk Management:
    • Training: boards, executives, managers, associates, business partners
    • Two needed plans: Incident Response and Ongoing Management
  3. Influence and Communication, key for all tasks and with all people
  4. Emotional Intelligence, foundation for soft skills that yields higher performance 
  5. Reducing Workplace Incivility, nicer work environments have more/better/faster results with less stress for all
  6. Diversity in the Workforce, beyond just age results in higher performance
  7. Get Results, desired with better plans that don’t forget all tasks

If there is other content desired to be learned or other skills desired to be developed, please contact JoAnn Becker since ARC will develop this ETC for you.

For more information, contact JoAnn Becker: email to Info@AchievingResultsfromChange.com or cell of 847-682-5665 for call or text message.